Anyway, we had trekked back to the car, I only survived by promising myself this little jaunt would count as my exercise for the next two weeks, and began our hunt for a nearby watering hole. Driving down Lowry Avenue, which still makes me giggle by reminding me of Martin Lawrence in Bad Boys “Cuz, I’m Mike Low-rey”, even though I’d been traversing that road long before the movie came out. The mind can be very odd sometimes. But back to driving on Lowry…
Betsy and I first came upon Club 402, I slowed the car, we both craned our necks to check it out then Betsy said “Wait, isn’t
Next we rolled up to Stanlav’s, it looked fine…meaning the signs were all intact, there was a parking lot with some cars but not too many and a normal looking dude hanging out by the front door. We both assumed the guy had stepped out for a cigarette…being a no smoking state, seeing patrons lingering outside bar entrances is a common sight. I parked the car however, before we actually got out of the car to check out this new establishment, Betsy and I noticed that the guy in front of the door was not smoking, not talking on a cell, not doing anything but standing there in all black and wearing giant sunglasses.
Yes, I know what you all are thinking, it was the first thing that popped into our head too…it’s a bouncer. One big issue with that assumption caused Betsy and
Today, that bar is named Stanley’s and is actually a very nice, upscale restaurant and bar…they have excellent chicken nachos!
A block down the road we came upon another nondescript bar call the Southern Castle granted the paint was a bit chipped and the parking lot was more of just an over sized driveway but outside were two men and a woman in their mid-fifties wearing jeans and sweatshirts and smoking cigarettes. We decided to check the place out…crossing our fingers it would be at least a notch above shady because by this point we could’ve totally made it back to our normal hangout. I parked in the one space left in the tiny lot, stuffed whatever I could in my pockets, buried my purse under the seat and Betsy and I headed toward the front door.
There was a sliding door at the back of the bar, we walked over to check out what may be out back…I can only imagine this is what the little girl in the Secret
It was something beyond love at first sight. Betsy and I could not imagine going anywhere else for after work happy hours ever again. We spent a wonderful, chill evening basking in our good fortune.
But…why does there always have to be a but? This “but” grew slowly until one day I had to say goodbye to the Southern Castle and the friends I had invited to that enchanted pavilion.
Sorry all! I totally thought I’d wrap up my story in this post…oops. But really how could I pass up mentioning almost walking into a Russian mob bar? I promise to be quick with the conclusion!
Princess WeeWee
(taping fingers)
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